Ayia Napa, Kryou Nerou 56, Parodos No 1, null

Love Bridge Seaview Villas - Villa 3

Jumbotron Img test-1

Luxury Villa. Located on the periphery of the popular resort of Ayia Napa, overlooking the iconic Love Bridge sea caves and the Ayia Napa Sculpture Park, Love Bridge Seaview Villas offers you a choice of three similar but not identical 3-bedroom villas. This recently built development features neat, contemporary architectural design, enhanced with tasteful finishing materials for a cool Mediterranean feel. Modern conveniences such as AC, double glazed windows, satellite TV and wifi contribute to an all-round comfortable short or long-term stay.


Accommodation rules and policies

  • Prices are related to the number of guests to be accommodated in the property.
  • The ideal number of guests is 6 people, which can be increased to 8 people by adding 2 extra beds
  • The guest has the responsibility to set the right amount of adults and children
  • A refundable breakage deposit of €800 is required per stay.

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